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FAQ - Searching

  1. What are the different ways to search?
  2. What information can I search for?
  3. What is a Basic Search?
  4. How do I carry out a Basic Search?
  5. What is an Advanced Search?
  6. How do I carry out an Advanced Search?
  7. What are Smart Lists?
  8. How do I create a Smart List?
  9. How do I edit the name of my Smart List?
  10. How do I edit a Smart List criteria?
  11. How do I delete a Smart List?
  12. How do I carry out a Members Search?

1. What are the different ways to search?

Use either Basic Search or Advanced Search or Members Search.

2. What information can I search for?

You can search for entries in your lists or for names of people on mylifelisted.

Note: You can view other people's lists, but you cannot use the search function in their lists. 

3. What is a Basic Search?

A Basic Search is a search using keywords to find entries matching those keywords that are in your lists.

4. How do I carry out a Basic Search?

 You can carry out a Basic Search: 

  • Go to SEARCH
  • Enter a word or words in the KEYWORDS box
  • Select SEARCH

All entries from your lists that contain these words will be displayed.

Save your search results as a Smart List and it will update automatically as you add more items to your lists.

See also: What are Smart Lists?

5. What is an Advanced Search?

An Advanced Search is a search using keywords and defined criteria to find entries matching those keywords and criteria that are in your lists.

See also: How do I carry out an Advanced Search? 

6. How do I carry out an Advanced Search?

You can carry out an Advanced Search:

  • Go to SEARCH
  • Select Advanced Search
  • Enter words in the KEYWORDS box and then select from the following criteria: 
    • Lists – search from a specific list;
    • Dates – search a specific date or a time period to see what you did on that day or for that period;
    • Location – enter a location to find what you’ve done in that location;  
    • Privacy – select  lists that are either Private, Friends or Public.
  • Select SEARCH

Al entries from your lists that match your search criteria will be displayed.

Tip:  If you enter a time period, for example a whole year, you’ll be able to review all your entries for that year.

Save your search results as a Smart List and it will update automatically as you add more items to your lists.

See also: What are Smart Lists?

7. What are Smart Lists?

These are special lists created by the search criteria that you have entered and which update automatically as you add more items to your lists that match your criteria.

Examples:  If you enter the following:

  • London – a list of all your experiences where the word London appears will be displayed;
  • Spaina list of all your experiences where the word Spain will be displayed;
  • Jane  – a list of all your experiences where the words Jane  will be displayed;
  • 2-1 - a list of all experiences where the numbers 2-1 will be displayed. This is useful if you are searching Sports Attended and/or Sports Played to find the score of 2-1.

Your Smart List will appear on your Home Page.

Note: A Smart List creates a further list and does not alter your original lists. 

8. How do I create a Smart List?

You can create a Smart List:

  • Go to SEARCH and then carry out a Basic or Advanced Search
  • Add a list name for the results

Your Smart List will be displayed on MY LISTS

Note: A Smart List creates a further list and does not alter your original lists.

9. How do I edit the name of my Smart List?

You can edit the name of your Smart List:

  • Go to MY ACCOUNT
  • Select Smart Lists
  • Select EDIT
  • SMART LIST NAME - add a new name

10. How do I edit a Smart List criteria?

You can edit your Smart List criteria:

  • Go to MY ACCOUNT
  • Select Smart Lists
  • Select EDIT
  • Select a different criteria. 

11. How do I delete a Smart List?

You can delete a Smart List:

  • Go to MY ACCOUNT
  • Select Smart Lists 
  • Select DELETE

Note: You can recover a Smart List that you have deleted by selecting UNDO.  This is only available for a temporary period.

12. How do I carry out a Members Search?

To search for a member:

  • Go to SEARCH 
  • Select Members Search 
  • Add a name in the Search box
  • Select SEARCH

A list of members matching the name you have added will then be displayed.