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Frequently Asked Questions
About MyLifeListed
Why make a list of your life experiences?
Who are we?
How much does it cost?
How do I sign- up?
How do I login?
How do I change my password?
What if I have forgotten my password?
My Lists
What is a list?
Where are all my lists?
How are the lists organised?
What are the list categories of life experiences?
What are the lists within the Free Time category?
What are the lists within the Travel category?
What are the lists within the Big Stuff category?
What are the lists within the Giving Back category?
What are the lists within the Create your own category?
How do I list something that doesn’t fall within a category?
What if I only want to make a few lists and not make use of all the lists?
How do I view all my lists?
How do I view my lists from one category?
What are the different formats to view my lists?
How do I view my lists in List form?
How do I view my lists in Table form?
How do I view my lists in Map form?
How do I download my lists
How do I print my lists?
What are the different ways to sort my lists?
How do I sort my lists?
How do I hide unused lists?
How do I delete my lists?
Can I recover my deleted lists?
New Items
What is a New Item?
What are the compulsory fields when adding New Items?
How do I add New Items?
How do I use the Create Your Own Category?
How do I add items using the Create Your Own Category?
How do I edit an item?
How do I delete an item?
How do I select a date?
What date should I enter?
What if I can’t remember exactly when I did something?
Do I need to add names to all my items?
What name should I add to an item?
How should I enter the teams/score on Sports Attended or Sports Played?
How do I add a Location?
How do I add a Rating?
How do I add a Comment?
How do I add a Photo?
How do I make an item Private, Friends or Public?
How do I add friends to my items?
What are the different ways to search?
What information can I search for?
What is a Basic Search?
How do I carry out a Basic Search?
What is an Advanced Search?
How do I carry out an Advanced Search?
What are Smart Lists?
How do I create a Smart List?
How do I edit the name of my Smart List?
How do I edit a Smart List criteria?
How do I delete a Smart List?
How do I carry out a Members Search?
My Account
How do I check My Profile?
How do I change My Profile?
What are the default privacy settings for my name, profile photo and profile biography?
What are the different privacy settings for my lists?
What are the default privacy settings for my lists?
How do I set my default privacy settings for my lists?
How do I see all the latest items I have added to all my lists?
How do I set my default settings to connect with Facebook and/or Twitter?
I don't want to receive email notifications about new friend requests?
I don't want to receive email notifications when a friend mentions me on a list item?
How do I set the default number of items I can see per page?
What are Friends?
What are Followers?
What is a Feed?
What is a Mention?
How do I see who My Friends are?
How do I see who My Followers are?
How do I add Friends or Followers?
How do I see who I have requested to be my Friend?
How do I see who has requested me to be their friend?
How do I control who can add me as a Friend?
How do I prevent a Follower from seeing my Feed?
How do stop seeing a Friend's Feed?
How do I view other people's lists?
How do I view My Friends' lists?
Contact Us
How do I contact
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